Published 1 October 2014 by Christian Schumacher

New Film “The Long Goodbye”

Getting to grips with the realities of an ageing global population: The second film of the 2014 Nature Video series “A Picture of Health” is out now.

Growing old is inevitable, and across the world average life expectancy is increasing. With the prevalence of age-related diseases following suit and a limited pot of resources, where should scientists be targeting research? In the second film of the 2014 series of films produced at the 64th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting by Nature Video with the support of Mars, Incorporated, super-star statistician Hans Rosling sets the record straight about the cause of the world’s ageing population and Nobel laureate Oliver Smithies, now 89, gives his opinion on medical research priorities. But when reporter Lorna Stewart talks to young researchers, they disagree with their role models on where scientists should be focusing their efforts. Watch the film to follow their discussions!

Christian Schumacher

Christian Schumacher was the head of the communications department of the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings from 2013–16. It’s the community spirit that has fascinated him about the Lindau Meetings when he joined the executive secretariat in 2010.